On the exterior of your home, a professional paint job translates to beauty and elegance, but it also does much more; paint is a barrier against the elements that attack the integrity of your house. SAUGA PAINTERS has been beautifying, enhancing, and restoring homes, we are happy to provide exterior painting.
Our experience, knowledge, and commitment to excellence make us the brightest choice for your exterior painting needs. With a reputation for results that are aesthetically pleasing, long-lasting, and affordable, it’s not hard to see why so many have hired us for exterior house painting in Valencia and beyond!
When it comes to painting your home’s exterior, there is no definitive answer as to how often you should repaint. The frequency of when to repaint depends on several factors including the age of your home, its location and exposure to external elements, quality of paint used for previous coats, and the condition of your siding. Depending on these many factors, your home's exterior may need to be repainted every 5-10 years. Older homes may require more frequent repainting depending on its condition. If the paint on your home’s exterior is starting to show signs of wear and tear such as blistering, cracking or fading, then it’s time to consider repainting.